Local Dev with NeoVim
VIM Basics
1↑ - k
2← - h
3→ - l
4↓ - j
1w - next word
2b - previous word
3e - end of next word
1:q - quit
2:qw - save & quit
3:w - save
4:q! - quit without saving
Screen Navigation
1G - end of file
2gg || :0 - beginning of the file
3% - jump to matching '()', '{}', '[]'
4<c-b> - page up
5<c-f> - page down
Line Navigation
10 - Move to beginning of line
2^ - First non-blank char of line
3$ - End of the line
Word Navigation
1w - next word
2b - prev word
30 - start of line
4^ - first non-blank char of line
5$ - end of line
Text Editing
1a - append
2A - append from the end of the line
3o - insert from new line
4O - insert from prev line
5x - delete char under cursor
6s - delete character & insert
7S - Delete line and insert
8C - delete to the end of line and insert
9r - replace single character
10R - Enter Replace mode
1u - undo
2<c-r> - redo
More Vim
Select within (), {}
1:vi( - select text within ()
2:vib - select text within ()
4:vi{ - select text within {}
5:viB - select text within {}
Neovim Basics
Open New Pane
opens a in-memory file (buffer) and creates a viewport of that buffer (window)
1<c-w> v - split window vertically
2:vsplit :vs - alais for above
3<c-w><c-s> - split window in 2 horizontally
4:split :sp - alais for above
5:sp +term - opens window and creates new terminal session
Navigate between nvim panes
1<c-w-h> - Moves the cursor to the left pane.
2<c-w-j> - Moves the cursor to the lower pane.
3<c-w-k> - Moves the cursor to the upper pane.
4<c-w-l> - Moves the cursor to the right pane.
Fuzzy Finder (Telescope)
1:Telescope - to launch
2<c-/> - insert mode while in Telescope
3? - normal mode while in Telescope
4<c-c> - close telescope
Keymaps for Telescope
1space-sh - search help
2space-sk - search keymaps
1space-a - add to list
2<c-e> - show list
3<c-1> - Select 1 from list
4<c-2> - Select 2 from list
5<c-3> - Select 3 from list
6<c-4> - Select 4 from list
1:TodoQuickFix - list all todos in project
2:TodoTelescope - list all todos in telescope
Local Dev Tools
Kitty Terminal
1<c-shift-t> - new tab
2<c-shift-q> - close tab
3<c-shift-right> - next tab
4<c-shift-left> - previous tab
5<c-shift-enter> - new window
6<c-shift-n> - new os window
1tmux new -s sessionName - Start a new session with name
2tmux a -t sessionName - Attach to session with given name
3tmux ls - list all sessions
4tmux kill-session -t sessionName
5<c-b> + d - detact from session