Week 19/52

  • Work
    • Really digging deep into OAuth, OIDC, and SAML
    • Getting to know the dust of some old sequence diagram skills
    • Watched some of the session from Red Hat and started getting excited about the future of open source and AI
  • Made time for date night with Alaina, which was a nice change of pace
  • Observed that Cooper has likely doubled in size since we got him 3 weeks ago
  • Due to Cooper's schedule, I've shifted my sleep schedule toward getting rolling around 5, which is a welcome return
    • While I enjoy starting my day earlier, I've struggled with reaching a flow state as often as the late evenings
  • Starting to get caught up on average chores around the house again like laundry, the floors, and the kitchen
  • Officially signed up for South East Linux Fest 2024
    • Trying to put together a BoF presentation for that event
  • Really dove deeper into the IndieAuth specifications
    • Working on a blog about integrating IndieAuth as well as diving deep into the specifications as well
    • Really want to set up an IndieAuth server from the ground up
      • Because fun
      • It's useful in improving my grasp of OAuth
  • Spent 6 hours attempting to "fix" flooring in foyer. Instead of replacing a single plank of LVP in the middle of the floor, I damaged the piece that I cut to fit the corner and managed to damage the adjacent boards. I now have to replace 4 flooring planks
  • Cooper updates
    • He's able to sleep in 5 hour blocks at night without a bladder accident
    • We're getting closer on bathroom training. If the door is open, most of the time he will choose to use the bathroom in the yard. It's not consistent, and if it's not easily accessible to him, he'll take the path of least resistance
    • He's getting better at laying down on command, and listening to being summoned
      • Our furniture is still at constant risk as he chews anything and everything he can
    • Lexie continues to enjoy his companionship
  • Went to North Augusta to catch up with family for Mother's Day
  • Followed the reaction to the roast of Tom Brady. Personally I enjoyed the clips from fellow teammates and coaches. The appeal of celebrities and comedians tearing someone down baffles me somewhat; both for participants and for the audience
  • Went out for multiple date nights with Alaina. This was good for us both
  • Watched
    • Marley and Me
    • Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey
    • Couple of episodes of Clarkson's Farm


I'm going to find a new race and running training program. My work and personal life really hit a good stride towards the end of the bridge run training, and I'd struggled to continue at that pace since I paused my training. Hopefully I'll find an interesting race, and get a new running program started in the next week or two.

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