Week 26

  • Work
    • Diving more into the Product Owner role of my role today
    • Focusing on team culture, satisfaction, and commendatory
    • Revisiting surveying research
  • Signed up for AI themed hack-a-thon
    • Opted to skip due to utter lack of sleep
    • With more notice might do one in the future
  • Took the first week at home in over a month to focus on some house projects
  • Landscaped and gardened in the front flower bed
    • Pull out 6 month supply
    • Added new weed barrier
    • Planted some new shrubs and a Banana tree
    • Added a splash of holiday festivity
  • Installed blinds in Alaina's office
  • Began attempting to walk with Alaina throughout the week
  • Continued to make progress on building an Indie Auth Client
  • Made some homemade ice cream and Agua fresca during the weekend to encapsulate the spirit of relaxing and recharging
  • Spent week in a pensive mood after learning of my great Aunt's death. RIP
  • Watched/Listened
    • Austrian Grand Prix: What a battle between Verstappen and Norris at the end
  • Read
    • Continued to make time in the evenings for personal reading
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