Week 21

  • Short work week
    • Pretty heads down on process improvements
  • Invited family for MDW
    • Really enjoyed bonding with my nephew and niece
    • Took them to the beach which is always a hit
  • Took a half day of self reflection at the beach for myself
    • Captured some sunrise photos in the morning
      • Even the journey of rolling out of the house around 5am was a sense of catharsis
    • Took a very enthusiastic walk in park
  • Had Lunch with Scotty in Charleston
    • Tried a newer Asian fusion place
  • Continued church streak
  • Cooper now knows how to shake
    • Also took him for his first vet visit at the mobile vet at Tractor Supply
  • Watched
    • Monaco Grand Prix - Historical race, but what a predictable and boring race to watch
    • True Detective S1 (3 episodes) - An excellent, yet extremely heavy how
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