Week 50

  • Reading
    • Digital Minimalism - Cal Newport
    • The Witcher The Last Wish - Andrzej Sapkowski
    • Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
  • Grieving a death in the family
  • Being extremely reflective on life I want to live
  • Catching up Car maintenace
    • Replaced aging tires
    • change oil
    • wash, claybar, and wax
    • check timing belt
  • Finishing putting Christmas up
  • Updated homelab Truenas to support tailscale and nfs file mounts
    • promptly spent the next 6 hours looking through family photos

A little late to the party but starting on the advent of code for the year.

Day 1 - Problem

compare 2 lists of numbers.

  • Order the both lists of numbers smallest to largest
  • find the difference between each item in both ordered lists
  • Sum this the total of the absolute value from the above step
  • Find the frequency at which each item in left list occurs in the right list
  • mulitply frequency by the numeric value of the list item
  • sum the total


Load data input memory, and creat 2 sorted lists

  • copied provided file into txt file
  • Read raw text input
  • parse the input input to slices of ints
  • reorder the lists each time a new value is added to it
 1	file, err := os.ReadFile("./input.txt")
 2	if err != nil {
 3		log.Fatal(err)
 4	}
 5	inputTxt := fmt.Sprintf("%s", file)
 6	lists := strings.Split(inputTxt, "\n")
 7	var listA, listB []int
 8	for _, v := range lists {
 9		output := strings.Split(v, "   ")
10		if len(v) > 0 {
11			outputA, _ := strconv.Atoi(output[0])
12			outputB, _ := strconv.Atoi(output[1])
13			listA = appendToOrdered(listA, outputA)
14			listB = appendToOrdered(listB, outputB)
15		}
16	}
17	return listA, listB

The ordering of the list took me way to long to implement, and in the end, my solution was more or less brute force

  • range through the slice, comparing the to be inseted int to each element within the slice
  • after finding the first occurence of a value greater or equal to the new element, Add the new element at the current indexed position
  • create a slice of slice of all the remaining elements within the slice, after the entry point
  • append the slice of slice

The way go handles slice length and capacity was a sticking point for me here. Mulitple times I got tripped up working a a slice that didn't have enough capacity, or would have erronous length added, leading to 0 values incorrectly added to the list.

Learned that append() willnot increase a slice cap unless it is required for the new elements.

 1func appendToOrdered(list []int, number int) []int {
 2	var newList = make([]int, len(list), cap(list)+1)
 3	if len(list) < 1 {
 4		return append(list, number)
 5	}
 6	for i, v := range list {
 7		if v >= number {
 8			newList[i] = number
 9			newList = newList[:i+1]
10			count := 1
11			for _, v2 := range list[i:] {
12				if i+count+1 >= len(newList) {
13					newList = append(newList, v2)
14				} else {
15					newList[i+count] = v2
16				}
17				count++
18			}
19			return newList
20		} else {
21			newList[i] = v
22		}
23	}
24	return append(list, number)

Summing the total and toatlFrequency was straight forward enough since I was already iterating through the slices.

 1	left, right := getInput()
 2	total, similarity := 0, 0
 3	for i, v := range left {
 4		distance := right[i] - v
 5		d := math.Abs(float64(distance))
 6		total += int(d)
 7		similarity += findSimilarity(v, right)
 9	}
10	fmt.Printf("total: %v\n", total)
11	fmt.Printf("Similarity: %v\n", similarity)


  • poked around the os package in the stdlib for reading files on the filesystem
    • of course it does.

alt approach without custom sorting algorithm

 1file, err := os.ReadFile("./input.txt")
 2	if err != nil {
 3		log.Fatal(err)
 4	}
 5	inputTxt := fmt.Sprintf("%s", file)
 6	lists := strings.Split(inputTxt, "\n")
 7	var listA, listB []int
 8	for _, v := range lists {
 9		output := strings.Split(v, "   ")
10		if len(v) > 0 {
11			outputA, _ := strconv.Atoi(output[0])
12			outputB, _ := strconv.Atoi(output[1])
13			listA = append(listA, outputA)
14			listB = append(listB, outputB)
15		}
16	}
17	slices.Sort(listA)
18	slices.Sort(listB)
19	return listA, listB
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