Week 17
- Work has been getting pretty busy
- Focusing a lot of energy and research into improving developer experience and productivity
- Leveling up my understanding of the systems we use on a regular basis
- Successfully integrated indieAuth.com on my website
- With a method of authentication, I was able to join the IndieWeb WebRing
- Experimenting with a new method of executing my prof dev goals
- Using Gantt Charts over a quarterly basis
- Limited the amount of distractions
- Set realistic goals
- I also want to add them to my blog
- Publicly stating my goals, may add another layer of accountability
- Continued practicing typing with the Moonlander keyboard
- I'm going to try a new layout soon
- I'm reading the 2023 DevOps Report
- Thinking of new approaches to measuring productivity
- Exploring how to measure productivity without running afoul of Goodhart's Law
- Investigating Cynefin for conceptualizing complex systems
- Continuing to work through better understanding Keycloak
- Not finding exactly what I wanted for a local dev setup I blogged about running Keycloak with Docker Compose
- Better understanding OIdC, SAML, and even OpenId
CompletedSurvived week one of Cooper's training- He's starting to understand basic commands
- Actually enjoys his crate
- Still working on his chewing and biting issues
- Installed a permanent baby gate in front of our stairs
- Finished personal finance statements for March
- This takes about ~1 hour per month
- Looking for better tools to automate this
- Started running again
- After a 3-week break, I did a 2.5-mile run at ~9 min/mile pace
- Watched
- 1st round of the NFL draft
- Random episodes of Killing Eve with Alaina
Insights Upon Reflection
My energy levels and motivation have been falling behind the levels I would like for them to be. This has been the case for the previous 3 weeks, which aligns with a ramp up in demands from work. Anecdotally, this coincides with the lack of any real exercise over the past 3 weeks and piss poor diet. Now that my shins are healed, I'm going to fall back into my running routine, as that seems to be a good base upon which to build upon.
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